Spring Clean Your Social Media – 6 Tasks To Make Your Page Look Good As New

May 23, 2018

When was the last time you rotated your profile photo, cover photo or captured new images of your business? If you have to click on your Facebook images to see the time stamp, it’s been too long.

Think of it like this, if you invite friends to come over for dinner but when they show up the lights are off and your shrubbery has grown into the walkway, it won’t be very inviting. Same goes for social media. Often times companies will create social media pages because they know they need them, but without keeping them updated, it appears as if no one is home and will turn users away.

This is why it’s time to clean up those social media pages, and I have 6 ways for you to do exactly that!


1. Rotate And Update Profile Images

Your profile image on all of your platforms is the most important photo because it’s the first impression of your brand. If you’re sharing updates and have an image that’s blurry or outdated, you’re less likely to get someone to click on your icon to come to your page. Same goes for avatars and other photos that have nothing to do with what your brand represents.

Be sure to have images that are sized at the appropriate profile sizes for the platform and are either your logo or perhaps an icon of your brand. For instance, if you’re a doughnut shop, a doughnut as a profile picture may better suffice over “Billy Bob’s Bakery” logo since that name should already be on the profile.

The same goes for cover photos. If your cover photo is a special you had running 2 years ago, we have problems. Your cover photos support your profile photo and are the first thing a user sees when heading to your page. Make sure that it’s updated and if you don’t have a special, find a nice hero shot of your business.


2. Update Branding

This is similar to what I just discussed. If you have any old logos or taglines hanging around on your pages, clean them up. The worst thing you can do on social media is have inconsistent branding on each of your pages.

Make sure to create a checklist for yourself so that you’re able to audit each platform for profile images, cover photos, bios, and supporting content.


3. Check And Update Links

If you previously partnered with a local business or updated your website, your links on some of your profile pages may be outdated. Just like your branding audit, it’s important to make sure that you have working links on all of your pages.

You’d be surprised how broken website links can sneak in there, and if they do, it can kill your credibility. Users will immediately think that your business is not legitimate if you don’t have a working website in 2018.


4. Respond To Backlogged Messages

Another thing that businesses fail to do is respond to messages. If you’ve left your profile covered in cobwebs, you’ve probably also left your customers and potential customers in the dark.

In working on revamping your pages, make sure to respond to your followers. Let them know you were undergoing some social media changes and answer their questions/requests if they’re still relevant. It’s important to use the messaging feature to connect with your followers and fans, so keep the conversation going!


5. Reply To Reviews

Reviews are reason enough to make sure your pages are thriving. Especially when 90% of consumers will read less than 10 reviews before forming an opinion about your business. And if you’re not paying attention to your pages, you’re openly letting unhappy customers blast you or happy customers go without a personal thank you.

It’s never too late to reply to your reviews, and it makes it look as if your page is not only active but your business is actively listening to its customer’s feedback.


6. Audit Account Settings

Lastly, make sure that all of your pages have the most up to date contact information. There’s nothing worse than having outdated emails, especially when a customer is looking to contact someone about a question or complaint they may have.

With just a few tweaks you can have your profiles looking good as new. However, once they’re updated, make sure that you are actively posting to keep your customers engaged with your brand. You wouldn’t want all of that work to go to waste now, would you?

Did this blog post spark something inside of you to act and grow your social media strategy? If so, learn more about what I can do for your social media goals. Also, if you’re a social media junkie, or are just amused by my musings, join as a subscriber!

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