

Facebook’s New Update Lends Out A Helping Hand To Small Businesses

Back in the day, Facebook was a groundbreaking platform for small businesses. It was (and still is) the perfect place for businesses to market to the 1.6 billion users who are online to connect with small companies. The best part, it’s FREE. Well, mostly free. Like any business, Facebook discovered a way to make money. By selling the real estate on user’s newsfeeds to willing bidders, Facebook’s organic marketing slowly started to disappear. If you weren’t going to pay to...

Spring Clean Your Social Media – 6 Tasks To Make Your Page Look Good As New

When was the last time you rotated your profile photo, cover photo or captured new images of your business? If you have to click on your Facebook images to see the time stamp, it’s been too long. Think of it like this, if you invite friends to come over for dinner but when they show up the lights are off and your shrubbery has grown into the walkway, it won’t be very inviting. Same goes for social media. Often times...

7 Signs That Scream It’s Time To Quit Your Job

It happens to all of us. You know, that moment where you’re fed up with your job and think, “ I need to leave this place!” A lot of those times you’ve had a bad day or are irrationally angry over office politics, however, there comes a time when you desperately need to quit. I’ve been there and sadly left a job I had enjoyed for a few years. That is why I want to share the 7 signs that...