Thirty, Flirty And Thriving: 30 Ways The Last Decade Shaped Me

August 7, 2019

Well, world, I am officially coming to terms with the fact I will be 30 in a few days. It’s crazy because when I look back I can’t help but question if I’ve done everything I wanted in the last decade.

As a woman turning 30 it’s easy to compare yourself to others, especially when society puts so much pressure on us to be at a certain point in our lives. Shoot, my mom had three kids by the time she was my age. A lot of my friends have purchased homes, and I’m still living in a high-rise in the city. And for others approaching 30 that are still single, people look at you in shock if you’re not married yet.

30 feels scary but only because society and Hollywood tend to benchmark our lives by making us feel like we have to “Keep Up With The Jones,” and if we haven’t, something must be wrong.

So rather than reflect on wondering if I should have done more in my 20s this birthday, I’d like to reflect on 30 accomplishments, challenges, and good times that shaped me in my 20s and have made me who I am today!

1.) Graduating from the University of Idaho (and finishing in 4 years.)

2.) Rescuing my partner in crime (Zeek) from the Moscow Humane Society.

3.) Several published articles in The Idaho Statesman and Moscow-Pullman Daily News.

4.) Challenging myself and leaving my hometown to pursue my goals.

5.) Moving to Dallas, TX (a place I had always promised myself I’d move to.)

6.) Utilizing my college degree while transitioning into a new profession i.e. Journalism -> Public Relations.

7.) Creating the need for social media for clients at my agency when it was fresh and brand new. Circa 2011.

8.) Continuing to advance as a writer by freelancing for local publication in Dallas including Texas Arlington Magazine.

9.) Meeting Marc when I least expected it. (I thought I’d be single the entirety of my 20s.)  

10.) Quitting my job to move with a guy… (At the time I was ashamed, but now realize that was one of the best decisions of my life. It was the testament that we were meant to be together for the long-term.)

11.) Leaving Dallas to move to St. Louis. This was definitely a character-building part of my life. Haha.

12.) Having the strength to quit a job that was toxic.

13.) Picking myself back up and making long-lasting business relationships with companies that I continue to freelance for today.

14.) Completing my first half marathon in Disneyworld with friends from college.

15.) Visiting every major city in the United States.

16.) And getting the opportunity to travel to places like Mexico and the Bahamas. (I will make it to Europe/Asia eventually.)

17.) Getting married to my favorite human in 2015.

18.) Experiencing all of my friends’ nuptials and now watching as they expand their families.

19.) Getting awarded the top marketer award while working for a tech startup.

20.) Having to quit a job I loved after a diagnosis with a chronic illness – Vestibular Migraine.

21.) But rather than feel sorry for myself, I got involved and started helping those around me by getting involved with VeDA.

22.) Meeting new friends and losing old friends.

23.) Moving to Denver and worked on building relationships with local small businesses that have turned into great partnerships.

24.) Moving back to Dallas. (My heart is in Texas, so we’re staying this time. 😂)

25.) Experiencing some really dark times but realizing that you only come out of some of the most difficult challenges with strength.

26.) Taking a huge risk by opening my own company but watching as it flourishes and continues to grow. (Shout out to Kayla McCain Marketing)

27.) Working with clients whose goals are in line with mine as we work to bring more awareness to chronic migraine.

28.) Currently in the process of writing a novel (about 70% done.)

29.) Learning more about myself and prioritizing self-care before ANYTHING.

30.) Through thick and thin, I know who will be there for me at the end of the day. I am truly lucky to have the relationships I do with my friends and family.

While this has been a hard birthday for me to swallow, it’s good to reflect on my last decade. I may not have had the most conventional life in my 20s, but I was able to live in multiple cities, overcame difficult challenges and have accomplished some big dreams.

I started my 20s as a young party animal first experiencing true independence and have ended as someone who has self-compassion and is working on building her own empire. Now excuse me while I go and celebrate the big 3-0 in Disneyworld!

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  1. Reply

    Jennifer Crespo

    Happy birthday Kayla! Wonderful post which is centered on gratitude! I will be 40 next year, so 30 is nothing (but is a milestone!) You are at the beginning! Thank you, too, for being such a role model and inspiration to those with VM etc.

    1. Reply

      Kayla McCain

      Awe, thanks Jen! So happy to have “met” you this past year!

  2. Reply


    Happy Birthday, Kayla! 30s is where it’s all at! Welcome!

    1. Reply

      Kayla McCain

      Thanks, Marina!

  3. Reply


    Hi! Just wondering how the Disney trio with with your VM? I have not been diagnosed but have some of the symptoms. Wondering how my life is going to change. You and the dizzy cook give me hope!

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